Hi all
Well since last chatting, more has happened and it not so good. I was up late at night and as i put the spot light on in the yard to check on my ducks and geese, i saw a civit cat kill my ducklings. I ran out but it was to late. All ducklings were killed and taken away. Man it was terrible i cried my heart out and felt so bad and guilty and i felt it was m fault. I miss them terribly and my heart still hurts. I so much wanted duckling or even muscovy ducks, but with that cat around i don't know. He or she must look out if i do see it. I am going to try and get teenager ducks that sleep on the pond were i know they will be safe.
Ouma is doing well, she has been camping out in the garage for the last few night and as today dawned i sent up a prayer that all will be well. This morning when i fed her and sat chatting i picked her up to sit on my lap, and i checked her out a bit, and can you believe it a deformed egg came out. I had felt her for a egg that was stuck but found nothing, so i thought if could not be that. Well after that came out she seemed to get a bit more life in her and i took her out to the coop for the sick. There she spent the day, sleeping and walking around a bit. She is in the garage now sleeping in her hay next i made her and she had a good supper i must say. I just but a blanket over her as it is cold tonight. I am not saying we are out of the woods yet, but i think we on our way to recovery. By the way i took that egg thing that came out and cut it open, it had no shell, it looked like a boiled egg without yolk. Any way our mystery is solved even if it gutted me, but now i know what it was. Life in the yard is going on as normal. It is very very cold her, so i am giving them all little treats and love and care.
I have been without Jade's caregiver for a few days so i have not done any walking on the farm, but i must say it is to cold.It was only 4 degrees yesterday. And to me that is very very cold.
Tomorrow is a new day, with more challenges and things to look forward to, so may your day be filled with laughter and love and happiness.
Hold thumbs the sun comes out, my bones are cold LOL...
All my love
Hannelore and feathered friends
P.S this is a photo of "Ricky the Rooster and Lucy "
Oh – what a sad news Hannelore. I really feel with you. I can imagine how you must have felt: you did all you could to protect them, you didn't know that there was a civet cat around the yard. So it wasn't really your fault. That how it goes in the wild: to eat or to be eaten. I think that you best take teenage ducks, they know already the dangers and they are not so vulnerable. Pipke sometimes had the same problem with laying eggs as ouma (we call it: egg binding). You really could see her suffer then. Good that all's well with ouma now.
ReplyDeleteWhen we think on South Africa we always think on warm weather, I'm surprised that it's so cold there now. Here the weather isn't good either, of course not so cold but we hadn't yet real Summer weather.
That the day of tomorrow may bring you sunshine and joy, I will be thinking on you!
Ricky is a very funny looking rooster!:)
Take care!
I know Ricky is a naked neck type chicken, don't worry when we got him we thought something was wrong. I think you right about the teenager ducks. For now i am going to look after these and then when i can get other i will.