Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm a granny!

Hi all
Excitement has exploded here on the farm. The eggs hatched today! I was working in front of the house making more pots when i realised i had not visited the chickens yet this afternoon. Mainly went to go look if they were not in my rock garden trying to rearrange my plants. SO i went in to check on Lady and saw a egg shell laying in front of her. My first thought was she had broken a egg. I looked under to see if any egg was dripping out of the nest, but nothing. thinking about it now i think i would have smelt it if a 3 week egg had broken..LOL. So i go tell Olly and later he goes down to go look and who is sitting looking at him two black little chicks peeping away at the new oupa that was visiting. I was on the stoep looking what he was doing and he says come look. I run with my white socks all the way down to the coop as what do i see, by babies. Man they are so so cute. SO we look further and the poor little chicks have no hair on their necks just like Ricky the Rooster. Look i had to laugh the poor guys have there fathers genes, and i must say i am looking forward to seeing a black naked neck chicken. Going to be interesting. At least we know who the dad is. Will take photos tomorrow to show you all my grand babies. Tomorrow i have to build a nursery for them as they need to eat chick feed and only little water as they can drown. So that another adventure for me as i love building things.
Saturday i am building a working shed for my pots, so i can work there as my dear hubby is saying i am taking over the garage. And where i can put all my cuttings i am growing. I must say my fingers are a better part of going green, as i planted my first cuttings that rooted. Spekbome which i love and 5 cacti that also took. My mother would be proud.
Anyway till tomorrow when all the fun begins. Oh yes my two new hens are arriving tomorrow can't wait. Think of names as i am running out of them.
Keep well
Love Hannelore


  1. Congratulations Hannelore!
    I'll come back tomorrow! At the moment I have not so much time to prepare a propper comment, but I want to let you know already that I'm really pleased with this good news.
    Until tomorrow!
    Sleep well tonight!

  2. Here I am again Hannelore!
    Very funny that the young chicks have no feathers on their neck, now you are sure who the father is! Actually we experienced something like that with Pipke. Approx. 8 months before Pipke was born we discovered that their was a new born duckling on the pond on the other side of the street. It was very special one, it had a little tuft on its head, it was the only one with such a tuft. We thought it was a malformation. But – then 8 months later – Pipke was born, and also she had such a tuft! We also were sure who the father was. About those exploding eggs! I started to tell Pipke's life story. I will talk about the eggs later in the story. It was really a stinking bunch, Pipke was covered all over with it. If you are interested in her adventures then I invite you to see my blog: http://mynestlifestoryofaduck.blogspot.com/

    I'm curious to see the pictures of Ricky's little ones!
    Have a nice day!
